Superstars Writing Seminar – worth attending again

SuperstarsSuperstars Writing Seminar will be held February 6–8 in Colorado Springs, CO.  It is the premier seminar on the business of writing, period.  I attended the first seminar, held in 2010 in Pasadena, CA, and I’m eagerly anticipating attending again this year.

I’m not the only alumni of the seminar to sign up for another year, and honestly I would have loved to have gone last year.  This Fictorians group was formed from alumni of the Superstars seminar, and members have begun publishing and making their mark as writers.  In the near future, we’ll only see that trend increasing, thanks in part to knowledge gained through Superstars.

You may ask yourself why we’re so eager to spend the hundreds of dollars required to invest in another seminar when we learned so much the last time we went.

It’s precisely because we learned so much last time.

This seminar is different than any other writer’s seminar I know of.  It’s taught by bestselling authors, top editors, and publishers, but more than that what makes this seminar stand apart is the content.  This is a crash course in the business of writing, where successful writing professionals share what they do and how they manage their career.  For writers who are serious about their writing career, be they newbie authors who have yet to complete their first novel, or published writers looking to reach the next level, this seminar imparts a wealth of information that I have not found anywhere else.

You can view a high level description of the curriculum here which includes contracts, agents, indie publishing, traditional publishing, intellectual properties, and much more.

The seminar in 2010 was a career-changing experience for me.  I arrived as an eager, wannabe writer with lots of enthusiasm and one manuscript completed.  I left even more energized and armed with the knowledge I needed to move into the next stage of my career as a writer.  Given the constantly moving target which is publishing these days, the specifics of what is taught each year is adjusted accordingly, so I expect this year’s content to be different from what I saw just four years ago.

What I learned four years ago is still fresh in my mind.  Some favorite memories include Brandon Sanderson relating how he landed his first agent; Kevin J. Anderson’s popcorn theory; Eric Flint’s detailed discussion of contracts; and the discussion of how prolific an author really needs to be to succeed.

On top of the top-rate content, this seminar provides other fantastic benefits.  Not only did we form the Fictorians from alumni of the seminars, but the instructors have remained available and engaged with the group.  We have a private Facebook group where we can all post questions and comments and get advice or feedback from each other and from the instructors.  The networking benefits of the seminar are proving an invaluable long-term benefit.

This year I approach the seminar from a slightly different point.  I have four novels completed, with four more in various stages of outlining, one novel e-published and an agent working on deals with others.  This time I have different needs, and I fully expect to gain the knowledge I need to make even greater strides forward in my career.

So is Superstars worth attending again?


If you’ve never heard of Superstars, check it out.  I guarantee it’s worth the investment.


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